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Yo Gotti Gave Universal Clearance For “Dolla Fo Dolla” Challenge

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Yo Gotti Leading up to the release of his new album, CM10, Yo Gotti gave artists a chance to perform on an open verse to his song “Dolla Fo Dolla.” The winner of the challenge was featured on the actual album. Yo Gotti is taking it a step further and has gave “universal clearance” for artists to record and upload to streaming platforms. This is significant because it allows artists to profit off the song and in a sense gives everyone access to a Yo Gotti feature. The album slot from the challenge was given to 10 Percent but he also decided he would help others who participated as well. He offered to pay one student’s tuition for the next semester, told a 17 year old he would have a “situation” for them when they turn 18 and offered to pay for 3 videos and studio time for another artist. “Dolla Fo Dolla” is featured on his last album, CM10 which was released February 4th.
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