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Drake Sues Woman For Extortion After False Claims

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Article By: Ashia Henry

Rap icon Drake is no stranger to rumors and allegations surrounding his name. This time the rapper is fighting back, suing a woman for extortion after she falsely accused him of rape. The woman also alleged that he got her pregnant.

Intially, Drake met Layla Lace in Manchester, England while in town for his “Boy Meets World” tour. After the show (February 2017), the rapper alleges the two had consensual sex. He aslo stated that “Layla also voluntarily and seemingly happily performed oral sex.” 

Next, Drizzy alleges that Layla became upset when he would not take her on tour with him. Then he tried to explain to her how busy his schedule was, but she wouldn’t hear it. “So what you want me to do you want me to pay for the flight to get out there,” said Lace. “Nah not at all,” he replied. “I wouldn’t expect that Just gotta find some days that work.”

Then Drake claims that was the point where she began trying to extort him. He alleges that Layla began asking for money for their supposed baby, and stating that if she didnt get it she would make a public rape complaint. She did indeed make her complaint. The case made it to the Manchester police, who interviewed Drake, and cleared him of any wrongdoing.

After the debacle, Drake is now suing Layla Lace for defamation, civil extortion, fraud, abuse of process, and emotional distress. The amount of damages he is asking for has not been specified.


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